Iridologie Digitale Augendiagnose (Irisdiagnose) DA8 Software UPDATE
Mit Update vom 17.07.2011 können die Augenbilder jetzt aus einer Dateiliste
direkt übernommen und dem rechten bzw. linken Auge zugeordnet werden.
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Einfache Zuordnung der Augenbilder
Re: Einfache Zuordnung der Augenbilder
Neu DA8 auch in englischer Sprache
With DA8 invite you in the simplest way the eyes of your patient photos directly into the program, there the photos are assigned to the respective patients.
The entered patient data are assigned to the eyes photos from digital camera. By moving from four measurement lines to the outer edge of the iris, the iris of the patient is measured. Two to move measurement lines determine the pupil center. With only two mouse clicks on the measurement lines on the edge of the pupil, the program determines the pupil size. Another click resets the intestinal Krause.
By complex mathematical algorithms, the size and location of each organ areas on the iris is calculated now. By moving the mouse pointer over the iris, the respective body areas are displayed. With a "right click" on the mouse Psycho-Analogies can be displayed.
By opening the body list the organs can be selected and displayed contrasting color on the iris. Thus, you can deepen and learn where the organ fields lie in the iris, the iris diagnostic knowledge.
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With DA8 invite you in the simplest way the eyes of your patient photos directly into the program, there the photos are assigned to the respective patients.
The entered patient data are assigned to the eyes photos from digital camera. By moving from four measurement lines to the outer edge of the iris, the iris of the patient is measured. Two to move measurement lines determine the pupil center. With only two mouse clicks on the measurement lines on the edge of the pupil, the program determines the pupil size. Another click resets the intestinal Krause.
By complex mathematical algorithms, the size and location of each organ areas on the iris is calculated now. By moving the mouse pointer over the iris, the respective body areas are displayed. With a "right click" on the mouse Psycho-Analogies can be displayed.
By opening the body list the organs can be selected and displayed contrasting color on the iris. Thus, you can deepen and learn where the organ fields lie in the iris, the iris diagnostic knowledge.
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